The cross ring packing is also devel-oped based on the idea of increasing thespecific surface of the packing to enhancethe mass transfer efficiency.Its structure is toadd a cross partition in the rasch ring.Ceramic cross partition ring because of itshigh density and excellent acid resistanceand heat resistance.Ceramic cross bafflering can be used in chemical industry, metal-lurgy,gas,environmental protection andother industries drying tower,absorptiontower, cooling tower, washing tower,regen-eration tower.
Specifications (mm) | Path × High × Thick (mm×mm×mm) | Specific surface area (m2/m3) | Void rate (m3/m3) | Stacked quantity (n/m3) | Stacked weight (kg/m3) | Dry packing factor (m-1) |
φ25 | 25×20×3 | 270 | 0.74 | 58030 | 624 | 172 |
φ50 | 50×50×5 | 158.8 | 0.787 | 9100 | 560 | 223 |
φ76 | 76×45×7 | 121 | 0.79 | 2517 | 510 | 126 |